Showing posts with label Otomotif. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Otomotif. Show all posts

Monday, January 4, 2016

Motor Fast Without Cost

Motor Fast Without Cost
There are three tricks to make the motor so fast
This way there are no spare parts or to replace the still original from the factory
Before I jelasin three make the motor moves so fast, you first need to know will be brought where the direction you desire

Carburetor Setting

Carburetor Setting
An easy way cheap carburetor setting is the setting itself without having to go to the garage. Ombobon will try to explain the process of setting the carburetor standards are very easy, but it is better if the carburetor cleaned out and the fuel filter and air filter have also picked up in the wash that dirt or sediment contained therein can be disposed of as well as the pilot and main jet come clean. For pilot and main jet if you can clean with carburator cleaner so that a shorter time but if not got yeah use gasoline only or use thinner if had.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Merawat Motor

Para pembaca pastinya mengeluh apabila motor yang dipakai sering rusak atau bermasalah. Karena itu disini saya akan membagikan beberapa tips untuk merawat motor anda dengan baik supaya terhindar dari masalah tersebut. Caranya anda harus mengganti oli rutin tidak harus setiap bulan ataupun takaran kilometer yang ada. Tetapi dengan merasakan mesin anda apakah nyaman saat ditarik gas kemudian ketika memasukan gear apakah keras atau mudah. Seringlah memberi oli kerantai kendaraan anda jika motor anda menggunakan rantai dan buang angin ban dua bulan sekali atau ganti angin roda motor anda. Melakukan service ringan ke bengkel yang anda kenal atau bengkel resmi jangan bengkel yang seadanya karena tidak semua bengkel paham akan kendaraan dengan baik dan benar.